Your Seasonal Brand Plan

A seasonal coaching session to gain perspective, release pressure, and formulate your own plan.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Meet Your Coach & Mentor

Hello! I’m so excited to be here with you. Implementing what’s inside this coaching session drastically changed my seasonal (summer) experience.

Instead of scattered plans and wishful thinking, I artfully implemented the objectives I needed to grow. At the same time, I took the entire month of July off social media, soaked in the sun, took my children on trips, and met friends for coffee dates, meetups, and lunches while my business continued to grow.

This was my ideal seasonal outcome. What is yours?

I cannot wait to see what you will discover for yourself and your brand in the season ahead.


What you’ll learn

  • Craft space for your own answers to emerge.

  • Yes! There is an actual formula for how you can create the experience of your dreams.

  • Confront your own beliefs about what is required of you in the season to come.

Course FAQ

  • Will this help me with planning my marketing for an upcoming season?

    It can. This coaching session is for your life and brand. Your brand is inspired by the life you are leading so don't be surprised if similar ideas are shared.

  • Is the 75-minute session dynamic?

    Yes. This session contains coaching, questions, journal prompts, and planning for you.

  • Will I have unlimited access?

    Yes! You will be able to return to this seasonally when you want to refine your experience and objectives.

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One simple payment

One payment of $75

A seasonal coaching session to gain perspective, release pressure, and formulate your plan.